Friday, April 06, 2007

A stroll down memory lane

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the meeting minutes

Stoesz Reunion meeting held March 16, 2007
at Lloyd & Pauline Stoesz house.

Present were: Ruth Penner, Joanne Kusiak, Janice Rock, Elma Ginter, Willie and Naomi Stoesz, Larry Stoesz, Denis and Janice Stoesz, Lloyd and Pauline Stoesz, Helen Stoesz by phone
Regrets: Carol Zacharias, Rod Stoesz, Roger Stoesz, David Stoesz
Chair – Janice Rock
Secretary – Lloyd Stoesz

Accomodations – campground, motels, billeting etc
Ken to look into booking campsites, reserving a block of rooms.

Saturday – registration to start @ 9:00
- Lunch: barbeque sausage, hot dogs, watermelon, and ask the aunts and uncles to bring rollkuchen

- Supper: pork loin, baked potatoes, cole slaw, applesauce, buns
Denis to look after the pork loin, baked potatos, and barbeque.
Janice & Pauline to look after baked beans.
Elma and Ruth to look after the beverages for the weekend.
Joanne to look after the serviettes, plates, knives, forks, cups, garbage bags.

Sunday – breakfast serve muffins, cheese, fruit one kind, coffee and juice
- lunch potato salad, cold cuts, veggies
- Willie and Naomi to look after cheese and cold cuts

Activities – golf at Oakview (Albert and Glen to look after) for Saturday, baseball, kids activities, choir, and worship service

Powerpoint of each family – Ken to ask Gordon if he would be willing to put it together.

Hospitality desk- Joanne, Ruth, Janice, and Helen to look after name tags, directions, etc.

Send photographs of homesteads, families etc., for the blog.

Each one of us to get tentative #’s of people in respective families expected to attend reunion.

Birthdays to be celebrated: uncle Bill's and aunt Barb's 90th

Next meeting: April 20th @ 6:30 at Denis and Janice's place