Monday, July 09, 2007

Thanks for the memories . . .

A big "thank you" to everyone for a fantastic reunion. We had great weather, superb food, and wonderful company. Here's a few pictures that I took from the weekend. I expect to get many more soon, so keep checking this page for additional pictures. To see all of the pictures, click on the picture below (Picasa opens), and then click Slideshow.


Please send in your comments about the weekend. I wanted to change the settings on the blog so that anyone could enter new posts, but it isn't possible, since I would have to enter each e-mail address of every blog author. However, you can enter comments as follows:

1. Click the comments link below this post. A dialog box will open where you can enter your comment.
2. After you enter your comment, enter the strange letters you see in the Word Verification field.
3. Choose an identity. If you select Anonymous, please sign your comment so we know who it's from.
4. Click the PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT button. Your comment may not be published immediately.


jk said...

great company, great food, great weather, a job well done. i wish i could have been there on sunday too!

Anonymous said...

A fantastic job well done by the committee!! Many great reasons to be proud to belong to this Stoesz Gang....and that we were! I flew in from Vancouver to join the other 179 relatives (around that number I believe) for the gathering of much visiting, lots of eating, story-telling and good old fashioned relational-bonding and I am so glad that I was there. My hat goes off to all of you out there in Hot Steamy Altona who put so much energy and time into this event.....the smallest details did not go unnoticed, let me tell you, because I've put on many many events of that size and greater proportion so I know all about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into such an event and that's why it was so successful...down to the right amount of food for everyone! Enough said - I'll send my pictures to Joanne this week and I have some good ones too.

Shirly Hewlett(Sawatzky)